

Hello everyone, its’s been so long I haven’t written anything in this blog. For today, I would like to share with all of you about my very first time being a college student 😊. I alhamdulillah have graduated  🎓  my school years in the past 2 years if I’m not mistaken  . I know it’s kind of late for me to actually talk about this particular topic but anyway lets just jump into my story okay guys. First and foremost, I’m pretty sure you guys would be excited to join your own choice of college or university, right? obviously, like who doesn’t like a new adventure and a fresh start of the year with a new you. You can be anyone and start having new friends there plus new environment. Basically, everything’s new.               Before I enter my college years and start the (everything’s new) I’m pretty much excited. I already imagine how fun It would be cause I’ve been seeing my seniors been posting pics of them hanging out with members, not having a tight schedule, fun ac

Get to know me

  Hello guys !! as you all know from the tittle this post is basically getting to know the owner of the blog which is ME , before you guys get to know my life ~   For the intro my name is SAF and i'm a college student if you guys are wondering . So , before we get more further in this introduction i would like you guys to know that this is my second blog . The previous blog was created like 6 years ago . I know it was a long time ago but i've deleted that , it only last for 2 years cause I ain't got time to blog cause I want to focus in my studies . It's not that i don't wanna focus in my studies now . It's just that I think I should start this blogging thing all over again cause why not right ?? Okay ! let's get started !! As you all know , my name SAF . I'm Malaysian and to be precise i'm malay .  #proudtobeMalaysian I just entered college in Perak this mid year and it was great . I'll tell you guys how do I entered and so on in the